The Body-Mind Centering® Association (BMCA) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the practice, education, and development of Body-Mind Centering®, a somatic movement education and therapy approach developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.
This BMCA Community platform is now the home of our events and other online gatherings. Additional features will be added over time. Our intention is to offer a dynamic and nourishing space to connect, share, collaborate, and learn together.
Join today and explore! Create a free Mighty Networks login by going to "sign in" at the top right of this page. Scroll down to learn more and register for our upcoming event.
NOTE: If you are a current BMCA member, your login/password for the old website will not work. You will need to create a new account on Mighty Networks (email address + password) - this is free. If you are a member of other Mighty Networks communities, you can use your existing login credentials.
The 2024 Body-Mind Centering Association Online Gathering, celebrates BMC®'s 50+ year legacy, and enlivens connections and collaborations with BMCers around the world.
During the live 3-day event in November of 2024, the BMCA Board of Directors hosted Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and a rich line-up of BMC® teachers and program directors from around the world to share from their unique experiences and journeys, and their current explorations and questions. Join us to celebrate our shared history, to experience teachers who helped develop and spread BMC®-infused pedagogy, and to consider BMC®’s place in the development of somatic movement education. Browse the full list of presenters and sessions.
All 20+ recorded sessions feature BMCA professional members who are Certified BMC® Teachers, have taught in the early SBMC® programs, and/or have directed BMC®-based somatic movement education programs in different regions around the world. Sessions were held in different time-zones, some in different languages, with and without translations.
We are offering a self-selecting sliding scale approach (for both members and non-members) to our event fees.
BMCA values the presence and contribution of all in our community. As a non-profit organization, we are powered by volunteer time, membership fees, income from events/conferences, and fundraising. Our income helps pay a small staff, supports development of benefits for members, and helps us in meeting our administrative, fiduciary and regulatory obligations.
By adopting an equitable sliding-scale model (as opposed to a pay-from-the-heart model) we invite each attendee to consider the value of this event, and their real capacity to contribute to BMCA.
Before you select your sliding scale payment option, please consider the highest amount of offering you can make while not creating an unmanageable difficulty in your personal finances. This "green bottle" graphic is a wonderful example of thinking through this question.
The high contribution level reflects the true cost of the event. If you have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding scale services. If you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is for you. Choose this option.
The medium contribution reflects BMCA’s acknowledgement that paying the higher contribution would create financial strain for some folks in our community from being able to attend this event. Choose this option.
The low contribution amount represents our acknowledgment that there are folks whose economic circumstances would prohibit them from being a part of the community and the event. If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as health care, housing, food, child care, and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you deserve a community that honors your price as an equal economic offering as the person who can pay the highest contribution. Choose this option.